Land Rover and the Red Cross, Disaster Preparedness and Response
Jaguar Land Rover
Client: British Red Cross
Working together since 1954, the partnership has supported RCRC priorities and, since 2007, directly assisted over 1.7 million people in 32 countries. Since 2019, the partnership has focused on disaster preparedness and response. In addition to funding and vehicles, our partnership comms have taken the Land Rover and Red Cross brands to audiences in the hundreds of millions.
In the past year, the partnership helped the RCRC: •Prepare for disasters: -Strengthening the resilience of 168,443 vulnerable people and dozens of remote communities with investment in five flagship disaster preparedness programmes in Australia, India, Italy, Mexico, and the UK. •Respond to emergencies: -Reaching isolated and vulnerable communities with loaned vehicles as part of global Covid-19 response. -Supporting 13 UK and international emergencies through the Disaster Relief Alliance •Increase awareness and engagement: -Highlighting our partnership via a global mini-series about the Red Cross’ work during the pandemic, achieving 450k social views across Land Rover and Red Cross channels, 19m broadcast reach, 26m press reach and raising pride in employees.