
Howden Group Holdings
In September 2020, Howden launched our inaugural Global Group Giving Week (GGGW). Our people around the world came together for 5 days of volunteering and fundraising, to make a huge impact among the communities in which we live and work.
We are entering GGGW for Employee Engagement Initiative of the Year
GGGW is a perfect example of an effective employee engagement initiative, as it engaged each one of our offices around the world for an entire week of fundraising and volunteering, and also created a legacy in our global CSR programme.
The campaign involved recruiting CSR champions both regionally and globally, therefore engaging employees across the globe and building direct relationships with our global charity partners. They arranged donation stations, fundraisers, volunteering opportunities, awareness raising initiatives and probono work to support causes within their communities. All activities, large and small, were inclusive and open to everyone.
From around the world we came together and travelled thousands of kilometres to raise valuable funds for our local charity partners, gave our time through volunteering, collected hundreds of bags of litter to prevent plastics from getting into the oceans and much more.
Supporting our UK charity partner, Alzheimer's Society, and 29 charities globally.