
Centre for Warmth
Client: Bangladesh Association Community Partnership
This lasting positive impact is created through our Centres For Warmth programme.
Funded by our Vulnerability and Carbon Monoxide Allowance, the project aimed to reach disadvantaged communities and provide essential support.
Cadent holds partnerships with over 40 community centres across the network, all of which provide essential support to disadvantaged households, but the Bangladesh Association Community Project (BACP) is a friendship as well as a partnership.
Together we have helped 1,812 people since Oct 2022 through the funding of a vital advice service and community outreach workers.
The BACP provide support on benefit claims, energy efficiency, debt, housing, and carbon monoxide (CO) awareness.
This partnership has funded four new jobs within the community, enabled longer opening hours, and the creation of a new STEM youth club. Cadent supplied training, free CO alarms, slow cookers, and support when required. This partnership has helped us understand and change some of our processes when we are working in similar areas.