Allen & Overy and Street Child Global Charity Partnership
Street Child
Client: Street Child
In July 2021, Street Child and Allen & Overy (A&O) embarked on a two-year partnership with the aim of raising £1 million to support thousands of children in Sierra Leone and around the world to access an education. A&O employees rose magnificently to the challenge, spearheading and participating enthusiastically in a wide variety of local and global fundraising initiatives, inspired by regular updates on Street Child’s work and trips to the field, and supported by Street Child’s Partnership Manager and A&O’s Social Impact Group.
The partnership was A&O’s most successful ever, raising over £1.5 million and providing £1.12 million in legal and non-legal pro bono support to Street Child. It enabled the charity to make significant and sustainable progress in its mission to see all children safe, in school and learning, provided valuable support in the form of capacity-building for Street Child’s teams, and gave the charity real credibility when reaching out to new corporate donors. The partnership also united A&O employees across teams and continents behind one cause, forging new workplace friendships and an increased feeling of pride to be working for a firm that puts social impact at the forefront of its identity.